NASA-Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA, USA
1 - 3 May 2002
NASA's Office of Space Science OSS) sponsored a workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics in order to discuss the current state of knowledge in this interdisciplinary field and to assess the needs in regards to NASA's space missions.
The workshop featured invited talks by members of the scientific community representing data users. The invited speakers provided a broad overview of the needs in the field. The workshop also featured shorter talks and posters by data producers (NASA's Space Science programs grantees and others). Breakout sessions chaired by the Scientific Organizing Committee members produced a report on the status of the Laboratory Astrophysics programs supported by NASA and whether these programs meet NASA's needs for the future.
Laboratory Astrophysics White Paper: Summary of Laboratory Astrophysics Needs is available as a PDF or HTML document.
31 January 2003
Dear Workshop participants,
I'm pleased to inform you that the book of proceedings of the NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop has been sent to the printer.
The book is a NASA CP (reference NASA/CP-2002-211863) that should be mailed to you in a week or so, coinciding with the release of the new "Research Opportunities in Space Science," NRA 03-OSS-01.
Farid Salama