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uid 2435
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1854 5.395 4.584 A' 0.9097
1816 5.507 53.62 A' 0.9097
1713 5.838 4.513 A' 0.9523
1673 5.977 11.85 A' 0.9097
1577 6.341 6.201 A' 0.9523
1564 6.393 9.021 A' 0.9523
1557 6.422 7.973 A' 0.9523
1509 6.629 54.94 A' 0.9523
1464 6.832 32.97 A' 0.9523
1442 6.936 6.171 A' 0.9523
1434 6.975 8.739 A' 0.9523
1414 7.07 18.93 A' 0.9523
1386 7.217 9.394 A' 0.9523
1373 7.285 57.87 A' 0.9523
1356 7.375 3.063 A' 0.9523
1318 7.587 11.39 A' 0.9523
1311 7.629 93.35 A' 0.9523
1275 7.843 4.602 A' 0.9523
1234 8.104 69.55 A' 0.9523
1188 8.421 11.87 A' 0.9523
1177 8.494 4.354 A' 0.9523
1144 8.745 15.45 A' 0.9523
1093 9.146 26.46 A' 0.9523
1026 9.748 21.01 A' 0.9563
989.8 10.1 3.71 A' 0.9563
960.9 10.41 2.547 A' 0.9563
940.6 10.63 2.073 A' 0.9563
869.5 11.5 9.735 A' 0.9563
827 12.09 6.37 A' 0.9563
801 12.48 15.96 A' 0.9563
750 13.33 0.0164 A" 0.9563
747.2 13.38 22.17 A' 0.9563
745.5 13.41 0.0788 A" 0.9563
690.9 14.47 0.2252 A" 0.9563
674.6 14.82 24.53 A' 0.9563
661.7 15.11 0.2448 A' 0.9563
643.7 15.53 0.0253 A" 0.9563
619.2 16.15 1.451 A" 0.9563
609.8 16.4 15.22 A' 0.9563
601.2 16.63 0.0824 A" 0.9563
596.2 16.77 19.29 A' 0.9563
571.9 17.49 7.056 A' 0.9563
555.2 18.01 105.5 A' 0.9563
548.9 18.22 0.2452 A" 0.9563
543.3 18.4 13.72 A' 0.9563
528.5 18.92 28.54 A' 0.9563
518.7 19.28 13.22 A' 0.9563
503.4 19.86 0.0223 A" 0.9563
492 20.33 0.0162 A" 0.9563
490.6 20.38 1.332 A' 0.9563
458.9 21.79 0.005 A" 0.9563
457.5 21.86 47.49 A' 0.9563
454.6 22 58.14 A' 0.9563
445 22.47 0.0002 A" 0.9563
435.7 22.95 3.86 A' 0.9563
410.9 24.34 3.443 A' 0.9563
396 25.25 0.0853 A" 0.9563
386.9 25.85 0.083 A" 0.9563
361.2 27.69 0.018 A" 0.9563
350.3 28.54 0.2863 A' 0.9563
344.8 29 0.0482 A" 0.9563
323.2 30.94 0.0784 A" 0.9563
320 31.25 0.2563 A' 0.9563
281.1 35.58 0.0079 A" 0.9563
254.7 39.27 0.2216 A' 0.9563
200.8 49.79 0.0065 A" 0.9563
173.3 57.71 0.1207 A" 0.9563
134.3 74.45 0.0435 A" 0.9563
123.2 81.15 0 A" 0.9563
121.7 82.19 0.0985 A' 0.9563
67.87 147.3 0 A" 0.9563
44.07 226.9 0.0085 A" 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

3,139 species present in version 3.00 of the theoretical database (Aug 18, 2017)