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uid 2522
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1832 5.458 1.987 A' 0.9097
1744 5.733 71.43 A' 0.9097
1728 5.788 6.657 A' 0.9097
1714 5.835 28.75 A' 0.9097
1655 6.044 1.202 A' 0.9523
1637 6.108 18.84 A' 0.9523
1560 6.411 6.323 A' 0.9523
1532 6.526 15.06 A' 0.9523
1448 6.905 52.55 A' 0.9523
1447 6.913 35.1 A' 0.9523
1429 6.998 28.98 A' 0.9523
1401 7.137 38.3 A' 0.9523
1393 7.181 25.68 A' 0.9523
1366 7.319 18.64 A' 0.9523
1356 7.376 18.45 A' 0.9523
1344 7.441 42.11 A' 0.9523
1308 7.646 31.24 A' 0.9523
1294 7.726 15.26 A' 0.9523
1286 7.776 95.61 A' 0.9523
1231 8.121 21.68 A' 0.9523
1222 8.182 29.98 A' 0.9523
1211 8.258 162.2 A' 0.9523
1182 8.461 152.4 A' 0.9523
1158 8.632 26.6 A' 0.9523
1108 9.022 0.9134 A' 0.9523
1064 9.395 140.4 A' 0.9523
1011 9.887 68.24 A' 0.9563
998.2 10.02 4.583 A' 0.9563
964.6 10.37 129.3 A' 0.9563
943.8 10.6 1.832 A' 0.9563
847 11.81 175.8 A' 0.9563
836.3 11.96 79.07 A' 0.9563
758.7 13.18 96.16 A' 0.9563
755 13.25 0.0027 A" 0.9563
743.5 13.45 244.6 A' 0.9563
723.6 13.82 1.375 A" 0.9563
710.3 14.08 41.35 A' 0.9563
699.7 14.29 0.0503 A" 0.9563
690.9 14.47 34.18 A' 0.9563
673.8 14.84 1.003 A" 0.9563
640.5 15.61 0.217 A" 0.9563
633.9 15.78 13.7 A' 0.9563
628.4 15.91 11.26 A' 0.9563
597.8 16.73 0.4294 A" 0.9563
565.7 17.68 0.1759 A" 0.9563
565.2 17.69 16.01 A' 0.9563
549.6 18.19 40.09 A' 0.9563
548.3 18.24 3.548 A" 0.9563
541.8 18.46 39.03 A' 0.9563
530.8 18.84 31.13 A' 0.9563
526.7 18.99 2.389 A" 0.9563
518.2 19.3 6.309 A' 0.9563
506.8 19.73 0.0201 A" 0.9563
504.2 19.83 129 A' 0.9563
488.8 20.46 0.4715 A" 0.9563
481.4 20.77 136.9 A' 0.9563
456.2 21.92 68.61 A' 0.9563
450.5 22.2 0.789 A" 0.9563
441.4 22.66 110.7 A' 0.9563
437.4 22.86 0.0024 A" 0.9563
413.6 24.18 35.68 A' 0.9563
401.7 24.89 13.04 A' 0.9563
391 25.58 1.359 A" 0.9563
386.4 25.88 0.0029 A" 0.9563
383 26.11 36.78 A' 0.9563
362.4 27.59 50.23 A' 0.9563
352.6 28.36 16.66 A' 0.9563
324.5 30.82 1.144 A" 0.9563
309.9 32.26 0.1883 A" 0.9563
263.9 37.9 40.26 A' 0.9563
256.5 38.98 2.816 A" 0.9563
248.3 40.27 1.793 A" 0.9563
225 44.45 0.1256 A" 0.9563
210 47.61 13.62 A' 0.9563
151 66.24 2.376 A" 0.9563
131.7 75.95 0.6452 A" 0.9563
124 80.62 1.255 A' 0.9563
115.8 86.35 0.0362 A" 0.9563
88.03 113.6 0.4014 A" 0.9563
75.56 132.4 0.1788 A" 0.9563
20.5 487.8 0.0007 A" 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

3,139 species present in version 3.00 of the theoretical database (Aug 18, 2017)