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uid 55
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
3079 3.248 13.25 A' 0.9595
3076 3.25 79.04 A' 0.9595
3074 3.253 18.7 A' 0.9595
3071 3.257 3.609 A' 0.9595
3065 3.263 28.64 A' 0.9595
3063 3.265 8.812 A' 0.9595
3048 3.281 5.955 A' 0.9595
3047 3.282 21.99 A' 0.9595
2848 3.512 0.0011 A" 0.9595
2838 3.524 2.043 A' 0.9595
1552 6.445 35.47 A' 0.9523
1547 6.464 2.611 A' 0.9523
1505 6.646 27.1 A' 0.9523
1491 6.705 0.5452 A' 0.9523
1472 6.792 0.5136 A' 0.9523
1419 7.045 0.4905 A' 0.9523
1413 7.078 1.356 A' 0.9523
1403 7.13 1.501 A' 0.9523
1351 7.4 5.131 A' 0.9523
1335 7.489 156.1 A' 0.9523
1317 7.594 130.5 A' 0.9523
1296 7.716 4.31 A' 0.9523
1276 7.839 71.86 A' 0.9523
1241 8.06 1.785 A' 0.9523
1231 8.126 0.1223 A' 0.9523
1181 8.469 1.232 A' 0.9523
1173 8.522 14.66 A' 0.9523
1159 8.624 6.699 A' 0.9523
1106 9.038 19.4 A' 0.9523
1089 9.182 0.2303 A' 0.9523
1062 9.414 0.3713 A' 0.9563
1056 9.47 0 A" 0.9563
1042 9.593 157.9 A' 0.9563
1024 9.763 23.27 A' 0.9563
963.5 10.38 1.12 A" 0.9563
959.3 10.42 0 A" 0.9563
942 10.62 14.02 A' 0.9563
855.3 11.69 32.77 A" 0.9563
846.7 11.81 20.17 A" 0.9563
810.4 12.34 1.071 A' 0.9563
809.5 12.35 0 A" 0.9563
797 12.55 9.264 A" 0.9563
795 12.58 0.8131 A' 0.9563
750.8 13.32 94.81 A" 0.9563
750.5 13.32 0.9193 A' 0.9563
742.7 13.47 0 A" 0.9563
679.8 14.71 0 A" 0.9563
674.7 14.82 1.444 A" 0.9563
595.8 16.78 0 A" 0.9563
591 16.92 0.5284 A' 0.9563
560.9 17.83 33.12 A' 0.9563
543 18.41 2.077 A" 0.9563
487.7 20.51 1.169 A" 0.9563
461.1 21.69 2.806 A' 0.9563
460.6 21.71 0.1378 A' 0.9563
456.1 21.93 0 A" 0.9563
420 23.81 3.008 A' 0.9563
408.3 24.49 58.25 A' 0.9563
250.4 39.93 0.3161 A" 0.9563
230.4 43.41 0 A" 0.9563
193.5 51.69 19.62 A" 0.9563
141.6 70.64 0 A" 0.9563
135.3 73.9 4.681 A" 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

3,139 species present in version 3.00 of the theoretical database (Aug 18, 2017)