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uid 2364
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1907 5.244 1.879 A1 0.9097
1843 5.427 6.045 B2 0.9097
1507 6.636 3.726 B2 0.9523
1493 6.699 56.91 B2 0.9523
1492 6.702 21.76 A1 0.9523
1448 6.906 3.465 A1 0.9523
1445 6.921 8.967 B2 0.9523
1399 7.148 17.69 B2 0.9523
1352 7.395 40.56 A1 0.9523
1308 7.644 3.093 B2 0.9523
1289 7.758 9.279 A1 0.9523
1237 8.087 2.512 A1 0.9523
1211 8.26 0.1401 B2 0.9523
1140 8.775 10.17 A1 0.9523
1109 9.014 0.5143 B2 0.9523
1090 9.178 0.1996 A1 0.9523
1060 9.437 21 B2 0.9563
1006 9.942 14.05 A1 0.9563
987.1 10.13 13.54 B2 0.9563
976.5 10.24 0.4222 A1 0.9563
888.6 11.25 11.73 A1 0.9563
825.4 12.11 0.9904 B2 0.9563
741.6 13.49 0.0225 B1 0.9563
693.9 14.41 29.31 B2 0.9563
690.7 14.48 0 A2 0.9563
690.2 14.49 0.9592 A1 0.9563
635 15.75 0.2886 B1 0.9563
609 16.42 8.792 A1 0.9563
587.7 17.02 4.762 B2 0.9563
583.8 17.13 0.0016 B1 0.9563
571.1 17.51 0.7939 A1 0.9563
527.8 18.95 0 A2 0.9563
517.9 19.31 3.037 A1 0.9563
502 19.92 16.71 B2 0.9563
498.4 20.06 0.0653 B1 0.9563
484.4 20.65 0 A2 0.9563
480.6 20.81 26.51 B2 0.9563
472.5 21.16 28.04 A1 0.9563
470.3 21.26 0.2746 B1 0.9563
442.4 22.61 0 A2 0.9563
430.5 23.23 0.9692 B2 0.9563
385.1 25.96 0.0511 A1 0.9563
371.6 26.91 3.224 B2 0.9563
331.4 30.17 0.0177 B1 0.9563
317.1 31.53 0 A2 0.9563
316.7 31.57 0.2758 A1 0.9563
286 34.97 0.0291 B1 0.9563
221.3 45.19 0 A2 0.9563
196.8 50.81 0.0007 B1 0.9563
101.3 98.68 0.0064 B1 0.9563
98.73 101.3 0 A2 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)