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uid 2729
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1822 5.487 5.316 A' 0.9097
1818 5.502 4.012 A' 0.9097
1689 5.921 2.416 A' 0.9523
1668 5.995 3.456 A' 0.9523
1541 6.49 31.12 A' 0.9523
1502 6.658 52.19 A' 0.9523
1496 6.683 7.918 A' 0.9523
1494 6.693 4.241 A' 0.9523
1474 6.786 2.558 A' 0.9523
1468 6.812 41.47 A' 0.9523
1438 6.952 5.337 A' 0.9523
1420 7.044 0.2827 A' 0.9523
1381 7.241 2.94 A' 0.9523
1375 7.275 20.63 A' 0.9523
1354 7.386 16.02 A' 0.9523
1338 7.473 10.13 A' 0.9523
1314 7.613 18.04 A' 0.9523
1308 7.644 6.835 A' 0.9523
1283 7.795 7.601 A' 0.9523
1269 7.879 0.2916 A' 0.9523
1224 8.169 5.635 A' 0.9523
1215 8.233 27.2 A' 0.9523
1198 8.346 22.81 A' 0.9523
1188 8.415 2.65 A' 0.9523
1177 8.496 0.7795 A' 0.9523
1166 8.579 2.897 A' 0.9523
1140 8.77 10.5 A' 0.9523
1075 9.305 2.079 A' 0.9523
1047 9.55 22.41 A' 0.9563
1021 9.79 19.85 A' 0.9563
984.8 10.15 2.688 A' 0.9563
977.9 10.23 17.07 A' 0.9563
917.7 10.9 4.358 A' 0.9563
900.4 11.11 9.825 A' 0.9563
849.5 11.77 7.711 A' 0.9563
780.1 12.82 6.42 A' 0.9563
764.1 13.09 0.0187 A" 0.9563
753.6 13.27 8.271 A' 0.9563
740.5 13.5 0.7677 A' 0.9563
732.2 13.66 0.154 A" 0.9563
706 14.16 0.4312 A" 0.9563
667.3 14.99 0.0069 A" 0.9563
657.3 15.21 3.154 A' 0.9563
654.7 15.27 0.0032 A" 0.9563
639.3 15.64 3.743 A' 0.9563
622.3 16.07 14.68 A' 0.9563
620.7 16.11 0.2366 A" 0.9563
597 16.75 0.6612 A' 0.9563
589.9 16.95 0.0012 A" 0.9563
577.9 17.3 16.84 A' 0.9563
572.6 17.46 0.0143 A" 0.9563
556.3 17.98 2.872 A' 0.9563
541.2 18.48 114.7 A' 0.9563
529.3 18.89 55.85 A' 0.9563
523.1 19.12 46.92 A' 0.9563
496.8 20.13 0.1397 A" 0.9563
492 20.32 0.0338 A" 0.9563
482.3 20.74 3.169 A' 0.9563
479.6 20.85 0.0107 A" 0.9563
473.5 21.12 18.33 A' 0.9563
468.9 21.33 77.48 A' 0.9563
464.8 21.51 0.2787 A" 0.9563
457.5 21.86 9.353 A' 0.9563
451.3 22.16 0.0962 A" 0.9563
432.2 23.14 1.344 A' 0.9563
414.7 24.11 0.6122 A' 0.9563
403.5 24.79 0.002 A" 0.9563
396.9 25.19 1.648 A' 0.9563
394.6 25.34 0.0121 A" 0.9563
379.8 26.33 0.006 A" 0.9563
349.5 28.61 0.0376 A" 0.9563
337 29.67 0.3267 A' 0.9563
317.9 31.46 0.0634 A" 0.9563
286.7 34.88 0.0031 A" 0.9563
274.4 36.44 0.3964 A' 0.9563
263.6 37.94 0.0063 A" 0.9563
248 40.32 0.1907 A" 0.9563
246.9 40.5 0.1225 A' 0.9563
207 48.31 0.0036 A" 0.9563
191.7 52.17 0.0763 A' 0.9563
143.7 69.61 0.0548 A" 0.9563
135.9 73.6 0.0859 A" 0.9563
116.3 86.01 0.0012 A" 0.9563
107.1 93.36 0.1415 A' 0.9563
82.7 120.9 0 A" 0.9563
57.13 175 0.0005 A" 0.9563
29.69 336.8 0.0341 A" 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)