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uid 2814
scaling factor multiple (3)

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Integrated cross-section
Symmetry Scaling factor
1900 5.264 2.629 A 0.9097
1895 5.277 2.913 A 0.9097
1859 5.378 37.83 A 0.9097
1763 5.672 8.254 A 0.9097
1723 5.805 12.54 A 0.9097
1695 5.899 25.13 A 0.9523
1644 6.082 80.63 A 0.9523
1579 6.334 25.12 A 0.9523
1528 6.543 32.04 A 0.9523
1497 6.682 88.8 A 0.9523
1473 6.79 0.2722 A 0.9523
1466 6.819 58.6 A 0.9523
1434 6.973 13.37 A 0.9523
1405 7.118 7.553 A 0.9523
1401 7.139 3.319 A 0.9523
1361 7.348 3.319 A 0.9523
1349 7.412 14.98 A 0.9523
1339 7.468 2.77 A 0.9523
1290 7.753 22.53 A 0.9523
1266 7.901 6.321 A 0.9523
1248 8.014 47.12 A 0.9523
1227 8.151 41.46 A 0.9523
1211 8.257 15.14 A 0.9523
1197 8.355 102.9 A 0.9523
1167 8.567 24.42 A 0.9523
1148 8.708 3.238 A 0.9523
1105 9.051 40.87 A 0.9523
1079 9.266 47.4 A 0.9523
1076 9.294 4.344 A 0.9523
1055 9.475 4.291 A 0.9563
1002 9.975 68.27 A 0.9563
959.4 10.42 4.455 A 0.9563
958.5 10.43 133.2 A 0.9563
929.7 10.76 31.44 A 0.9563
848.1 11.79 57.04 A 0.9563
828.5 12.07 38.85 A 0.9563
755.2 13.24 1.976 A 0.9563
751.3 13.31 8.784 A 0.9563
737 13.57 75.25 A 0.9563
730 13.7 56.34 A 0.9563
723.9 13.81 99.96 A 0.9563
708.1 14.12 0.7284 A 0.9563
681.1 14.68 5.193 A 0.9563
667 14.99 1.595 A 0.9563
634.4 15.76 0.8211 A 0.9563
632.3 15.82 1.29 A 0.9563
601.4 16.63 26.8 A 0.9563
595.1 16.8 4.036 A 0.9563
590.5 16.94 20.95 A 0.9563
578.1 17.3 1.785 A 0.9563
557.4 17.94 38.1 A 0.9563
550.2 18.18 17.45 A 0.9563
534.2 18.72 85.48 A 0.9563
527.6 18.96 30.24 A 0.9563
517 19.34 74.6 A 0.9563
513.8 19.46 16.45 A 0.9563
506.7 19.74 15.09 A 0.9563
504.4 19.83 34.2 A 0.9563
486.7 20.55 212.7 A 0.9563
478 20.92 2.857 A 0.9563
470.7 21.24 55.17 A 0.9563
459.5 21.76 257.9 A 0.9563
449 22.27 129 A 0.9563
438.6 22.8 17.49 A 0.9563
437.8 22.84 1.808 A 0.9563
415.3 24.08 27.23 A 0.9563
407.1 24.57 123.6 A 0.9563
392.5 25.48 8.178 A 0.9563
378.8 26.4 10.94 A 0.9563
377.2 26.51 0.3926 A 0.9563
362.9 27.55 14.75 A 0.9563
355.6 28.12 30.35 A 0.9563
342.1 29.23 133.6 A 0.9563
314.8 31.77 168.4 A 0.9563
293.9 34.02 4.914 A 0.9563
275.2 36.33 7.261 A 0.9563
272.9 36.64 3.984 A 0.9563
246 40.64 2.42 A 0.9563
236.3 42.32 0.756 A 0.9563
234.5 42.65 48.94 A 0.9563
203.5 49.14 11.32 A 0.9563
184.5 54.19 0.1208 A 0.9563
169.5 59 1.296 A 0.9563
153.1 65.32 0.9197 A 0.9563
120.8 82.75 4.882 A 0.9563
100.3 99.73 1.269 A 0.9563
80.49 124.2 0.1655 A 0.9563
73.97 135.2 0.0569 A 0.9563
47.16 212.1 0.4035 A 0.9563
28.22 354.4 0.0026 A 0.9563



You are kindly asked to consider the following references for citation when using the database:

4,233 species present in version 3.20 of the theoretical database (Sep 12, 2019)